Tips to Ensure Safe Trick-or-Treating This Year

Halloween can be a lot of fun for parents and children alike. From costume parties to trick-or-treating, there is a lot to enjoy. However, good safety practices are key to ensuring that the only scary things at Halloween are pretend.
Flashlights and Glow Sticks
Visibility is poor on Halloween night for drivers and kids alike. This is particularly true if you live in a climate where the weather may be cold and foggy. Excited children hampered by masks and cumbersome costumes may not notice cars on the road, and drivers are not used to looking for children walking on the roads in the dark. Make it safer for everyone by ensuring kids are with a responsible adult and are also highly visible. Bright costumes can help, but flashlights and glow sticks or glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces can all be crucial to keeping your child easily spotted and safe while walking from door to door.
Well-Lit Neighborhoods
Keeping your children clearly visible is crucial to their safety but choosing a well-lit neighborhood to trick-or-treat can be a very wise choice. While cars are a definite safety hazard, tripping is also a risk, especially when dealing with sugar-craving kids who are eager to get to their next target. Picking a trick-or-treating spot with adequate lights can prevent injuries and keep everyone enjoying their time.
Community Halloween Parades
Many community organizations will host Halloween events on the weekend or on Halloween day during normal daylight hours. From costume parades to trunk-or-treats, there are likely a lot of events going on in your local area. These are excellent opportunities to ensure a safe and fun way to get candy, show off costumes, and enjoy Halloween fun in a structured and secure environment.
Family Spooky Movie Night
If late bedtimes and competing for the best houses when trick-or-treating doesn’t sound right for your family, consider staying home and hosting a family-friendly spooky movie night. Add more fun by taking turns passing out candy to trick-or-treaters. A spooky movie, ghoulish food options and a few sweet treats can make the night memorable for everyone. The best part? If you opt to join community Halloween events earlier in the week, you can have the best of both worlds and keep small children indoors when it’s too dark to walk around the neighborhood safely.
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